Padlock on a wooden door

Adding integration tests for permission-protected API endpoints in ASP.NET Core

This is the forth post in the Authorization in ASP.NET Core series. Part 1: Using a middleware to build a permission-based identity in ASP.NET Core Part 2: Deep dive into policy-based authorization in ASP.NET Core Part 3: Protecting your API endpoints with dynamic policies in ASP.NET Core Part 4: Adding integration tests for permission-protected API endpoints in ASP.NET Core (this post) In the previous post I demonstrated an approach to add authorization to our API endpoints....

Brick wall

Protecting your API endpoints with dynamic policies in ASP.NET Core

This is the third post in the Authorization in ASP.NET Core series. Part 1: Using a middleware to build a permission-based identity in ASP.NET Core Part 2: Deep dive into policy-based authorization in ASP.NET Core Part 3: Protecting your API endpoints with dynamic policies in ASP.NET Core (this post) Part 4: Adding integration tests for permission-protected API endpoints in ASP.NET Core In this post, we’ll come full circle. I’ll show you how to put everything together and start authorizing API endpoints with permissions....

Blue jelly fishes in deep ocean

Deep dive into policy-based authorization in ASP.NET Core

This is the second post in the Authorization in ASP.NET Core series. Part 1: Using a middleware to build a permission-based identity in ASP.NET Core Part 2: Deep dive into policy-based authorization in ASP.NET Core (this post) Part 3: Protecting your API endpoints with dynamic policies in ASP.NET Core Part 4: Adding integration tests for permission-protected API endpoints in ASP.NET Core In the previous post, we set the foundation by creating a ClaimsIdentity containing all the logged-in user permissions with the help of a custom middleware....

No trespassing sign

Using a middleware to build a permission-based identity in ASP.NET Core

This post is the first in a series about Authorization in ASP.NET Core. I’ll guide you through a series of approaches you can use to implement authorization in your ASP.NET Core APIs, focusing on advanced/real-world scenarios. Here’s a sneak peek for what I plan to show you: Where to store and resolve authorization-like data How to protect your API endpoints using permission-based authorization using the built-in types in the framework Reduce duplication and make things smarter by implementing a custom Authentication Handler....

Octocat + GitHub Action + dotnet bot

ASP.NET Core integration tests with docker-compose on GitHub Actions

This is the forth (and last) post in the Integration tests in ASP.NET Core series. Part 1: Limitations of the EF Core in-memory database providers Part 2: Using docker-compose for your ASP.NET + EF Core integration tests Part 3: ASP.NET Core integration tests with docker-compose on Azure Pipelines Part 4: ASP.NET Core integration tests with docker-compose on GitHub Actions (this post) In the previous post of the series we saw how to create and run our tests in a CI fashion using Azure Pipelines....