View from above of containers in a port

Using docker-compose for your ASP.NET + EF Core integration tests

This is the second post in the Integration tests in ASP.NET Core series. Part 1: Limitations of the EF Core in-memory database providers Part 2: Using docker-compose for your ASP.NET + EF Core integration tests (this post) Part 3: ASP.NET Core integration tests with docker-compose on Azure Pipelines Part 4: ASP.NET Core integration tests with docker-compose on GitHub Actions In this post, we will be looking at how you can run the integration tests of an ASP....

Road with speed limits printed

Limitations of the EF Core in-memory database providers

This is the first post in the Integration tests in ASP.NET Core series. Part 1: Limitations of the EF Core in-memory database providers (this post) Part 2: Using docker-compose for your ASP.NET + EF Core integration tests Part 3: ASP.NET Core integration tests with docker-compose on Azure Pipelines Part 4: ASP.NET Core integration tests with docker-compose on GitHub Actions In this post we’ll be looking at some of the limitations you may encounter while using the EF Core in-memory database providers for your ASP....

Unit testing Fluent Validation rules against EF Core entity configuration

In this post, I will share with you a solution to a problem that I see often when developing ASP.NET Core apps that use both Fluent Validation and Entity Framework (Core). I’ll first set the scene: Show the EF Core Entity + Configuration + Fluent Validation we’ll be working on. Next, I’ll show the actual problem that emerges with this approach and in the end how can it be improved/solved....

Barbed wire on a green background

Encapsulating getting access tokens from IdentityServer with a typed HttpClient and MessageHandler

Update 18. Dec 2021: The repo on GitHub has been updated to .NET 6. I also “containerized” all the apps so it’s easier to run them. Make sure to check it out! httpclient-token-identityserver Recently, I had to interact with an external API which is protected by JWT Bearer Tokens. For this, I had to get an access_token first and then set it to each request. But, this can get quite tedious very soon even if you just do it a few times....

Microsoft <3 Linux

Setting up Windows Subsystem for Linux with zsh + oh-my-zsh + ConEmu

The era of .NET developers being constrained on using only Windows as a platform is gone. (At least for ASP.NET). That might be very cool to some, but also scary for others. Fear of change is true. Nevertheless, it’s definitely time (if not yet) to get out of the comfort zone and get your feet wet. Being able to work with .NET on Linux/Mac is one of the points that makes me agree 100% with Nick Craver that ....